Top 3 Ways of Grouping Students for Better Book Clubs

Students reading books to represent ways of grouping students for a book club

Ways of Grouping Students Ways of grouping students in the classroom can differ from activity to activity. Although it may not seem like the most obvious answer, students can be grouped in ways other than instructional levels. Strategic grouping may be a more helpful alternative that allows teachers to meet student needs while providing more […]

Readers’ Workshop: Making it all Fit

A schedule and a pen to represent how to plan a readers workshop for teachers.

Readers’ Workshop Putting together a readers’ workshop small group schedule is more beneficial when it is data driven…but this isn’t always easy to do! With so many beginning-of-year assessments and data points, I’ve been overwhelmed in the past just trying to make it all work. But with some thoughtful planning, creating a targeted conferring and […]

How to Create a Flexible Math Workshop Schedule

A student doing math on the board to show a math classroom and how to create a math workshop schedule.

Math Workshop Schedule A math workshop schedule that is flexible and can be adapted based on student needs is important for formative assessment. Math workshops do not need to look the same every day because students may not need the same thing every day. Teaching responsively when math happens in the classroom is the best […]

3 Easy, Proven Strategies for Grouping Students in 2023

Student placed in a small group through a teacher's careful planning by using one of these 3 strategies for grouping students in the classroom.

Strategies for Grouping Students Feeling stuck with small group instruction and looking for strategies for grouping students? Grouping students can be overwhelming, but flexible thinking can take off the pressure. Employing flexible grouping strategies transformed my teaching while meeting the needs of students in unbelievable ways. These strategies led to targeted, responsive instruction allowing me […]